Euro Homes

Euro Homes is a custom home builder in Southern Ontario. They design and construct excellent quality and are known for luxury and beautiful finishes.
Kitchener Schwaben Club

The Kitchener Schwaben Club’s new website went live today, just in time for Oktoberfest tickets to go on sale. The club is now allowing people to buy tickets online, whereas ticket sales went solely through their office in previous years. The new website is organized, clean and easy to navigate. It showcases their colors and […]
Epic Limo

Epic Limo is a limousine company in Waterloo Region that offers a variety of vehicles that caters to its clients transportation requirements.
Marcon Metals

Marcon Metals is a large custom metal fabricator in Kitchener, ON.
Capital File Services

Capital File Services is a company that helps to store, manage and protect their client’s business records.
Lighthouse Legal

Lighthouse Legal provides clients reliable and personalized service and high quality defences against traffic tickets and accident offences. Their experienced and capable team will help guide clients through the legal process. I’ve worked with Brian Morris; he’s the best traffic paralegal I’ve used. He has helped me with a speeding charge and a unique red-light […]
Water Solutions E-Commerce Website

Water Solutions is a business in Calgary that offers a host of different water products and handles delivery and installation in Calgary and Edmonton. The new website allows them to display their catalog of products as well as sell specific items online.
Westvale Dental – A family-friendly dental office in Kitchener Waterloo

Westvale dental is a local dental office owned and operated by Dr. George Ho. It is known for its family-friendly service and expertise. They are located in Waterloo on Ira Needles Blvd near the Boardwalk. Dr. George Ho has been working as a dental surgeon since 1997 when he graduated from University of Toronto. He […]
Jay Fencing 2017 Re-Design

I completed a new re-design for Jay Fencing in May 2017. This update including massive changes to the design and layout to match current website design trends. Jay Fencing receives a lot of testimonials and therefore I setup a custom testimonial system and replaced the plugin used before. This now allows appropriate testimonials to appear […]
Blake Tree Experts

I custom designed this one-page website for Blake Tree Experts, an arborist located in north western Ontario, near Owen Sound. The website is clean, simple and easy-to-use.